ChatSend–Sending 2G of File on Facebook Chat

Jun is about to send you a file using ChatSend<— This message is appearing in the write box of the chat window as soon as you’re about to send/reply a chat message after installing ChatSend. It’s somewhat annoying since before you could type a word in a newly opened chat window, the message will first appear. Nevertheless, this app is cool and best alternative to email when sending a file.

ChatSend is an external add-on for Facebook chat that is used to send files up to 2GB within the chat window. The leftmost icon at the top of the Chat window will appear once ChatSend is installed.

Continue reading this post @ iStoryang HaaayTek!

4 thoughts on “ChatSend–Sending 2G of File on Facebook Chat

  1. I really won’t recommend to use such an untrusted tool :-/
    By the way still I’m getting the same message when my Friends come Online at FaceBook :p
    While I’ve never trusted upon that 3D Tool….


    • Well i am still observing this app but i tried sending files through it on the chatbox and it works. The only thing is it’s annoying because it sends a message to your contacts on its own using your name. It also post a message on your wall everyday. Thanks anyway for your visit here…



    • It’s already been blocked by Facebook every time it attempts to send automatically the message to our contact when we open the chat window. It’s no longer sent to our contact though it’s a little bit annoying. In my case, i haven’t removed the application since i could use the feature in sending files via the FB chat window. I think you can remove the application in your setting.  



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